0. ↳ Philanemo Mushroom Farm Route. TikTok video from Evandabest (@evandabest): "What level is your statue of 7 👀 #genshin #genshinimpact #genshinimpact1 #mihoyo #anime #otaku #inazuma #genshintiktok #electroculus #hidden". 10. ago. 62: Hidden amongst the leaves of a tree, just below the edge of a cliff. All Hidden Shop Vendors; All Special Dishes List; Offline Mode; Gameplay Guides. Electroculus Explained. Narukami Island has the most electroculus available, so you can easily level your statues up there. . 4. Related: Genshin Impact: Seagrass LocationsKonda Village Underground Electroculus Location Genshin Impact. Ship Cave Seiraimaru Relay Stone Puzzle Electroculus Genshin Impact game walkthrough. . . Here is the Genshin Impact Inazuma Hidden luxurious chest in Grand Narukami Shrine, 1. In total, there are 181 Eletroculus items around Inazuma in Genshin Impact. r/YoutubeGameGuides. Share. 4. You can't detect it if you are on the ground. Tatarasuna Electroculus Under Teleport Waypoint Genshin Impact video. You can craft an electro resonance stone to help with your last electroculus. 11. . The Inazuma region is divided into the three islands of Narukami Island, Kannazuka, and Yashiori Island. Here are all the Electroculus locations in Genshin Impact following the update. SUBSCRIBE JOIN KO-FI. . 1. 6. ↳ Dandelion Seeds Farm Route. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. All Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact. Electroculus Locations On Seirai Island. 0. There are 181 Electroculus used to upgrade Inazuma Statues of the Seven in Genshin Impact. Enlarge. Hit the cubes to make them face north. . . I've yet to do the archon quest. . Explore The Regions For Electroculus & Treasure Chests. 0. 4. 3. Hard to find Grand Narukami Shrine Electroculus Genshin Impact. All Inazuma World Quest List. Narukami Island Luxurious Chest0. 131 Geoculi can be found in Liyue. Inazuma 1-95. When you explore Inazuma, you can see them. Yashiori Island Electroculus 5/30. Another Guide:Seraimaru Relay Stone Mechanism -Valley Mechanism -Island Electroculus 20/38. 271 Dendroculi can be found in Sumeru. 00:00 1. Genshin Impact Inazuma Guides. Electroculus, #15071 Araumi Underground water tunnels Genshin Impact g. How to Collect ElectroCulus below Sacred Sakura TreeLevel 17 Sacred Sakura Tree, and you're ready to go :)Support me: couple of minutes sailing around and now I’m 100 on both. Electroculi can only be. 1. You will find a barrier on the water at the northern end of Tatarasuna at the location marked by a dot on the map in the picture below. Part Of The 2. 22. 00:00 1. Iwakura Out is a secret achievement in Genshin Impact 2. Tweet. 6 update, Inazuma weapons, Inazuma Archon, & gimmicks. Once Inazuma is unlocked, players will be able to travel to Yashiori and start finding the Electroculus collectibles. 2. Open the gate using the three keys and you’ll. There’s total 181 electroculus scarreted all over the map, categorized by island/region. 2. Electroculi can be offered to any Statue of The Seven in Inazuma for rewards. The second hidden Electroculus can be found in the Southeast of Serpent's Head on Yashiori Island. Some of them are very easy to find, but others are hidden in caves, by mechanisms or in the air. Watatsumi Island is one of the islands in the Inazuma region released in Genshin Impact Version 2. 10. Electroculus in Inazuma is scattered around the map, as is Anemoculus in Monstadt and Geoculus in Liyue. This article shows the location of all 181 Electroculus in Inazuma and how to get them. The Electrogranum plant is at the location marked by. West Of Autake Plains What You'll Find: Thunderbird statue. . 00:00 Seraimaru Electroculus 100:37 Seraima. Collect the Electroculus you see as you enter the ship. How to get All Koseki Village Electroculus in Genshin Impact. Solve The Puzzle To Drain The Water - Tips Make The Totems On The Side. . In area 2, the location of all the available Electroculus in Byakko Plain, Inazuma City, and Amakane Island are given. Hidden Memories: Hidden Mercenaries: Into the Woods: Invisible Barrier: Irate Iron Chunk: Join the Eremites and Embrace a Wonderful New Life!Inazuma Shrine of Depths keys can be obtained as a reward for getting your Statue of the Seven to level 6. 38. Reply. You can glide to it from another cliff. Here is the Genshin Impact Inazuma (Seirai Island) Electroculus Location 11-20. On this tiny island, you'll find an electroculus floating out of reach above a configuration of stones. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. The first two are relatively easy to find, but the third is all the way on top of a roof of a nearby building that will be easy to miss. 8. Gamers will find more than enough fresh features in the latest patch, such as the highly anticipated Inazuma region, new characters, and collectibles like the Electroculus! What is an Electroculus? Electroculus are collectible elemental energy crystals that can be discovered all over. Follow the Seelie you see through a Thunder Barrier and up the stairway. Enlarge. You. Electroculus; Geoculus; Total [] 66 Anemoculi can be found in Mondstadt. The electroculus is up in the air at the location as shown below. They may be hidden in the bushes. . This article unveils all the Electroculus locations on Watatsumi Island. It also has a mass of dense forests under the moonlight and underwater ruins alike. Electroculus is basically collectible orbs of elemental energy called Oculi that can be found all throughout Teyvat. Electroculus Locations On Kannazuma. All Electroculus Locations #1 Electroculus. Tweet. 101. This particular electroculus is hiding right underneath the tree in the center of Shirikoro Peak instead of hanging out in its branches. Genshin Impact 2. Genshin Impact interactive map of Inazuma. 2. . . All 21 Watatsumi Island Electroculus Location Genshin Impact. Inazuma City Underground Electroculus Location Genshin Impact. Inazuma Map Guide. Here is the Genshin Impact Inazuma Electroculus Location 20-29. 2 update is live. Explore Inazuma and collect Electroculus to offer them to the Statue of Seven for generous rewards. . ️ If you find the video helpful don't forget to leave a Like and Subscr. . Summon an Electrogranum and enter the ship through the path you just opened up from the boat wheel puzzle. 12: Find the three Seelie. Just fly there using the teleport. All 20 Inazuma Luxurious Chest Locations Genshin Impact. How to get All Narukami Island Electroculus in Genshin Impact. 11. HoYoLAB is the community forum for Genshin Impact and Honkai Impact 3rd, with official information about game events, perks, fan art, and other exciting content. You basically need to find two relay stones in the area. Inazum. 7. Enlarge. ☑️ Please Click the Link to S. 0 update, and as you have probably noticed, it’s densely packed with content. By collecting an item called Electroculus, players will level up their Statue of the Seven ranking in Inazuma. North of the electroculus, you will find four rotating cubes. Trophy Hunter Lvl 551 - 258 Platinum Youtube channel - vickhtorio82 twitter - @vickhtorio82 instagram - vickhtorio82Katheryne in Inazuma: Kunado's Trial: Lotus Eater: Museiren: Narrow Inquiry: Neko Is A Cat: A Fishy Flavor: Neko Is A Cat: A Good Turn Comes Late: Neko Is A Cat: Cat And Stone: Neko Is A Cat: Ding-A-Ling Metal Ball: Neko Is A Cat: Offering Box: Neko Is A Cat: Shrine Canteen: Neko Is A Cat: Shrine Recipe: Neko Is A Cat: Stone Human's. All Inazuma World Quest List Battle Of Revenge (The Gourmet Supremos) Walkthrough Chart & Tips Walkthrough ChartDónde encontrar los Electróculus de Inazuma. You can get inside if you fly above theres a gap. You can find Genshin Impact Underwater Electroculus location following this video guide. Genshin Impact’s Suigetsu Pool has multiple puzzles: One to drain the pool around the domain, one with Relay Stones, and a hidden Electroculus. It is an archipelagic region that worships Raiden Shogun, the Electro Archon and God of Eternity — who is also the leader of its governing body, the Inazuma Shogunate. Complete the quest that will allow. How to get All Yashiori Island Electroculus in Genshin Impact. Located in the Inazuma Region. 1 Update)Watatsumi Island All Electroculus Locations [00:00] Complete the World Quest called The. All 38 Narukami Island Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact. . Genshin ImpactHidden Electroculus!! My 95th (Last) Electroculus In Inazuma V2. All Konda Village Electroculus Locations Genshin Impact. Hard to find Grand Narukami Shrine Electroculus Genshin Impact Location video. Location to All 56 Electroculus in Genshin Impact (Inazuma 2. Players can offer Electroculus to the Statue of Seven to unlock a variety of rewards - including Electro Sigil, Primogems, Inazuma Shrine Depth key, Electro Traveler. This one is inside a barrier at the north side of Fort Fujitou at the location marked by a yellow arrow in the picture below. . You will also get a hidden luxurious chest on eliminating the entire Iwakura clan. This video shows how to find Hard to find Grand Narukami Shrine Electroculus l. Electroculus Interactive Map Obtain Through Sacred SakuraHow to get Underwater Electroculus Genshin Impact. Sacred Sakura Tree. Complete the puzzle (make all the 5 blocks facing to the shrine) 8. After completing the Archon Quest for Chapter 2: Prologue, you can begin Chapter 2: Part 1. Another Guide:Seraimaru Relay Stone Mechanism -Valley Mechanism -Island Electroculus 9/35. In the west of the forest of Chinju on Narukami Island is one of these locked articles. Jump from the hill with a small shrine and glide towards it to obtain. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Secret 30 Tsurumi Island Electroculus Inside Sh. Electroculus Map & Location. Complete the Heart of Watatsumi quest and just climb the tree inside the cave once you break the 4 seals to get inside. Press them all to reveal a secret passage. 2 update! Tsurumi Island will be available for exploration once the 2. Finally, you have to use your own character to. it's the third oculi in the game that's scattered all over the Inazuma region. . 00:00 1. Fort Mumei Electroculus. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Follow the Seelie and it will lead you to the Electroculus. The steel gate is at the very bottom of the area.